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No-frills, self-help rental experience to reduce our costs and lower your prices!
4 v 4
Inclusive of:
12 hours of Rental
8 Blasters (Fixed Selection)
2 buckets of ammo (~400 rounds)
Safety gear
One cycle of batteries for battery blasters
Delivery to and from location
5 v 5
Inclusive of:
12 hours of Rental
10 Blasters (Fixed Selection)
3 buckets of ammo (~600 rounds)
Safety gear
One cycle of batteries for battery blasters
Delivery to and from location
6 v 6
Inclusive of:
12 hours of Rental
12 Blasters (Fixed selection)
4 buckets of ammo (~800 rounds)
Safety gear
One cycle of batteries for battery blasters
Delivery to and from location
!!!Discount!!! $50 off listed package prices for self-collection & return
Bonus: Camouflage Barricades are available and can be requested for all rentals
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